Investment Philosophy

At 1618 Investment Funds, we manage broadly diversified equities and bonds, as well as multi-asset funds. Absolute and relative return strategies are applied depending on the type of fund.


Our asset managers are dedicated to generating long-term capital appreciation through active management and strong conviction. Core positions reflect our overall view of the market, while a  derivative overlay is added to take advantage of more opportunistic strategies.


We believe the first step to good performance is capital protection. As a result, we always consider relevant market opportunities in terms of optimal diversification and strict risk budgeting. In addition, our team always implements the desired portfolio structure in a cost-effective manner.


Financial markets have never been so challenging. In this context, the capacity to adapt has become essential to deliver positive return over the long term. Based on a broad experience from traditional to quantitative areas, the management team constantly improves our trading tools in order to secure the portfolios and discover new investment opportunities.